Iowa Department of Corrections

A series of environmental art pieces along entry roads and walkways, and adjacent to the women’s prison.

Fort Madison and Mitchellville, IA | 2010

Press: Des Moines Magazine - “Art Unexpected

A series of environmental art pieces along entry roads and walkways, and adjacent to the women’s prison dining area were designed by Dennis Reynolds in collaboration with TJ Moberg.  Design concepts were mocked up and implemented by multiple offender populations. Design concepts also repurpose material from an existing prison that will be vacated. Concepts include undulating braided ribbons several hundred feet in length, massive stone portals, free-form stone retaining walls, stone/metal/wood benches and metal lattice trellis gateways and a bright "quilt work" of community images. Quoted in DSM magazine, Dennis Reynolds said,”Offenders deserve to enjoy the benefits of art as much as anyone else. Art makes us better people, whether you’re an  offender or non-offender. Your environment affects your emotions and how you feel about yourself and others around you. This project can show offenders they have worth to society.”


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