Dows Farm

The Dows Farm master plan describes a process and vision for development that protects, leverages and enhances the site's strategic location, historic agricultural character and natural environments including the Squaw Creek riparian corridor. 

Linn County, IA | 2015 -

The Dows Farm master plan describes a process and vision for development that protects, leverages and enhances the site's strategic location, historic agricultural character and natural environments including the Squaw Creek riparian corridor.  Natural and man-made "green" spaces (including streetscapes, parks, community gardens...) provide linkages and destinations including the farm operations, The Barn marketplace, a restored ox bow lake and others, creating and connecting neighborhoods with each other and with sustainable diverse environments. 

"Dows Farm provides a lifestyle that’s not right for everyone but for many people it will be a very exciting and unique opportunity to live in a sustainable diverse collection of neighborhoods integrated with open space and a working organic farm. Reynolds Urban Design is bringing to play the principles of New Urbanism and applying them to an ag-based development. The links to New Urbanism are significant with its emphasis on compact neighborhoods where walking and door to door to chat with neighbors beats driving and living in isolation.  The irony is the more compact and urban the development, the more the small farm and natural environments can be preserved and enhanced.”  - Dennis Reynolds, Source: Business Record


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